It’s Monday midday and the clock keeps moving…
The keyboard is overworked as I type frantically to complete a task before the 3pm deadline. Wild thoughts run through my head about why I did not think to get this started earlier last week.
How did this actually manifest? Why did I lose my focus?
Well, there were the hours that I spent re-reading emails and checking social media, the excessive ‘preparation’, the coffee breaks, and the time spent on other tasks that I could have safely diarised for the following week.
Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone!

Procrastination is a snare that many of us get caught in. I can tell you that every time I have been held back it’s because of procrastination. Laziness, which promotes the unwillingness to act is different to procrastination.
Procrastination is known to give one a poor reputation and thereby restrict their career potential. It has the potential to interrupt work flow and threaten. It is imperative to be aware of and take the necessary steps to avoid procrastination.
For me it is those ‘undesirable tasks’ that never gets tackled. I feel exhausted thinking about those things that never gets started. When I do manage procrastination, I suddenly free up my time and energy and my mental state improves too. Recently, with so many of us working from home, procrastination has affected us in one way or another.
These steps may assist you to overcome procrastination:
- Recognise that you are procrastinating
- Identify the reasons behind this behaviour
- Design proper strategies to control and conquer it